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Page Revision: 2016/02/03 09:10


1Left click Price CenteringSingle click price centering on a left mouse click while over the price column of a contract window.
2Right Click Price CenteringSingle click price centering on a right mouse click while over the price column of a contract window.
3Cumulative at PriceTrade volume can be displayed as either the most recent individual trade volume or the cumulative volume traded at the most recetn trade price. In total trade mode the trade volume is reset to zero if a new price is traded.
4Show on Price ColumnDisplays the last trade price on the price column of the contract window.
5Average Fill Price DisplayAverage Open Fill: Calculate using the FIFO matched open fills only. Day Breakeven: Calculate using all the fills for the day = sum(buys)-sum(sells)/net Open Until closed: Calculate using increasing open positions only. Average only changes when a position is increased and not when it is reduced.
6Mouse Auto Focusontract windows will become active by simply rolling the mouse over them.
7Price LimitsWhether or not to display price limits in gray on the contract window.
8Mode CountdownSelect to display a countdown to the next market mode change on the contract window. Only works on markets where there is an exchange broadcasted trading schedule.
9Mode Countdown TimeThe number of seconds to countdown to the next market mode change.
10Flatten PostionAdds the flatten position tool to the contract window toolbar.
11Trailing Orders Adds the Trailing Order tool to the contract window toolbar.
12Order Types Adds the Order Types tool to the contract window toolbar.
13OCO'sAdds the OCO tool to the contract window toolbar.
14GTC'sAdds the GTC tool to the contract window toolbar.
15Activation OrdersAdds the Activation Orders tool to the contract window toolbar.
16Max Show OrdersAdds the Max Show Orders tool to the contract window toolbar. These are also called Iceberg orders.
17StopAdds a separate Stop tool to the contract window toolbar and removes the too from the order types drop down.
18Stop LimitAdds a separate Stop limit tool to the contract window toolbar and removes the too from the order types drop down.
19Stop Same LimitAdds a separate Stop Same Limit tool to the contract window toolbar and removes the too from the order types drop down.
20MarketAdds a separate Market to the contract window toolbar and removes the too from the order types drop down.
21MITAdds a separate Market If Touched to the contract window toolbar and removes the too from the order types drop down.
22Order ConfirmationProvides confirmation of an order prior to being submitted.
23Delay Market ConformationProvides confirmation of an order prior to being submitted into a delayed market. (For users who have chosen to view delayed markets in Market Data Setup page.)
24Mouse Submission ModeSubmisson can either occur on a mouse down or a mouse up.
25Auto Quantity ResetA contract window quantity will automatically be reset to the specified value after an order is submitted.
26Auto Quantity Reset ValueA contract window quantity will automatically be reset to the specified value after an order is submitted.
27Reset Order TypeResets a contract window to limit order mode following the submission of an order.
28One Click StopSubmits a stop order with a single click. Normal behavior is to enter a limit order which should fill instantly at the same price.
29Right Click Net ClipApplies a custom clip size to the net position quantity when using the right click net position setting in the contract window.
30Drag DropOrders can be revised with a drag and drop on the contract window. A revision can either be initiated on the most recent order entered at a given price or on all orders working at a given price.
31Auto PullAttempts to cancel orders that are already working that may fill against an order being placed. User: Set to user will pull orders across all accounts for a particular user. Account: Set to account will only pull orders that exist in the same account as the order being placed
32Display RightDisplays the pull tool on the left or on the right
33Pull On FlattenAttempts to pull all working orders prior in particular market prior to flattening an open position using the flatten tool.

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